
Ayahuasca grows in the heart of Amazonia. In Quechua, the word ‘Aya’ means spirit or ancestor and the word ‘huasca’ means vine or rope (cord). The indigenous people believe that ingesting the ‘vine of the souls’ will invest the user with the power to communicate with the spirit world. Ayahuasca works on not only the thymus gland but also particularly on the pineal gland.



The pineal gland secretes melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin is directly related to seasonal changes which the body undergoes as a result of the changing patterns of sunlight. There is an increase in melatonin in the body as a result of decreased or absence of light (i.e. in the winter or at night while asleep). The subject succumbs to drowsiness. There are also longer-term effects of melatonin, which are related to sexual maturation.

Serotonin, on the other hand, is a neurotransmitter, which is stored in the synapses of the nerves and has its greatest concentration within the pineal gland. It is associated with mood swings, depression and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs).

Disease mainly enters through the pituitary gland (Sycotic and Syphilitic miasmatic disease can enter through the generative zone).

The endocrine glands are “energy centres” and so the use of radiotherapy affects the ability of the endocrine glands to process their energy. Allopathic methods for treating tumours destroy the flower – the “visible” manifestation. The seed is in the endocrine glands, so this is the area that needs treatment. It is possible to work through lots of medical drugs but prescribe high and repeatedly 1M and 10M. Use PINEAL GLAND in high potency.

Chemotherapy combination: Syphilinum, thymus gland and Ayahuasca high, reduces sickness on chemotherapy.

Buddleia – tumours in eyes and ears.

There is always a seed in cancer. In eye cancer it is in pineal gland, gives credence to pineal gland being third eye.

In breast cancer the seed is in the thymus or the heart centre. People often do not resolve relationship issues when they should. Relationships can be worked on to a certain point but there does come point when they can’t be retrieved. Remedies allow this process to develop naturally and the outcome is not our decision. When the heart centre opens all the centres start to open up. People with damage at the heart need a lot of remedies. Often start with NATRUM-MURIATICUM for a closed heart.

AURUM, EMERALD, ROSE QUARTZ, SEA SALT. Roots of syphilis are in the heart and particularly thymus gland. Thymus is not prescribed enough because the gland itself does not readily display symptoms as clearly as the heart, the state is covert.

The colours of AYAHUASCA are Green (Heart) and Purple (Crown).

HEART: Congenital heart disease. Pains – real or phantom. Raised heart rate.

Tiredness, exhaustion. Anything from feeling sleepy to utter exhaustion and debility. Unable to move from tiredness. Shakiness and disorientation. Unable to recover one’s energy with rest. Feelings of detachment, poor memory and vagueness with the exhaustion. Muscular soreness (and weakness) from tiredness. Limbs go to sleep: pins and needles. Spinal sensations: tightness, tingling, aching and drawing. Rushes of energy, which are associated with raised heart beat that cause anxiety.

SLEEP: Sleeps like the dead. Insomnia. From drug abuse or over-use of sleeping pills.

DREAMS: Full of dreams. Many and varied dreams: some are bizarre, some are revelatory, others resolve issues from the past. Dreams seem more real than life. Desire to go back into the dream to continue it.

SENSES: Heightened sensitivity of the five senses – vision and hearing though touch can be extremely acute. Acute vision or blurred vision. Sees images superimposed on walls, doors, other people’s faces or whatever is being looked at. Doubts what is seen: has to look again. Hears acutely. Hears as if from a distance. Numbness and general malaise. Anaesthesia.

MUSCLE WASTAGE: necrosis. Easy dislocation of joints: crumbling of bone tissue. Poor assimilation and metabolism. Digestive tract malfunction: imbalance of bowel flora causing psychological symptoms such as depression. Pains can be sharp, sudden on appearance and quick to go: tend to be < night. Mal-absorption and malnutrition from defective gut. Multiple allergy syndrome.

BACK: Injuries to the spine and coccyx. Tension in the neck. Scoliosis and Kyphosis. Ailments from injuries that have affected the spine or the head.

CLINICAL: Aids. Cancer. Autism. ME. Parkinson’s. Strong History of drug abuse.

GRIEF – of the deepest and most unrelieved kind (c.f. SLATE). Anxiety – desperate, acute: prolonged anguish and fear, which has heightened every sense. Unmitigated misery. Mood swings between extremes of rage and well-being. Changeable attitudes. Jealousy – especially sexual. Irritable and negative. Awareness of childhood feelings. Inability to remember what it was like to be a child. Forgotten memories that are important to relive, as they have a bearing on the inability to move forward and develop. Inability to feel connected to the mother. Strongly indicated in those who have been adopted, or have yet to “adopt” their vocation. A sense of being oppressed by familial ties or ancestral energy. Hears voices or receives messages.

Sensation as if being stuffed up with cotton wool: cannot think straight. Heat in the vertex or cold as ice.

Craves alcohol. ++ stimulants such as coffee and tea. No appetite. Would prefer to do without food. Sensitive stomach which reacts to many foods. Nausea and vomiting after stimulant food and drink. > vomiting. Nausea and vomiting with anxiety and dread.

MALE AND FEMALE: Total loss of libido especially after use of hallucinatory drugs. Heightened libido that can lead to excessive masturbation. Excessive libido in those who enjoy it, as if it were only a spiritual experience. Sex without grounding. A remedy for those who have suffered from sexual abuse and now have a crippled sex-life. Difficult, prolonged or late periods. Prostate trouble relating to long-term impotency.

KIDNEYS: Very weak kidney energy. Frequent urinary infections or pains in the kidneys.

Respiration and lungs: Restricted breathing from emotional disturbances. Emphysema: asthma: chronic constricted airways.

spiritual: AyahuascA’s association in connecting to our spiritual energies means it is indicated where an  individual’s own insight and practical implementation of such new insights is playing out. AyaHUASCa 10M followed by weakly THYMUS GLAND 30 will help this transition. This may be obvious when working with other practitioners but equally applicable working with managers and other creative people.

Complementary to / followed by

  • AYAHUASCA has a strong affinity with OAK and other tree remedies.
  • Works well with the main constitutional remedies: SULPHUR, CALCAREA CARBONICA, SILICA and PHOSPHORUS. Often needed before or after LACHESIS or other snake remedies. There is a common association between AYAHUASCA and the snake remedies as depicted by the two intertwining snakes around the healing staff in the caduceus.
  • Is well supported by or followed by EMERALD.
  • In a detoxification programme it works well with RAINBOW.
  • Compatible with all the nosodes, particularly SYPHILINUM and MEDORRHINUM


Can be put into combinations with other remedies:

  • Ayahuasca + Silica + Ignatia: breaks destructive bonds between parent & child.
  • Ayahuasca + Arnica + Oak is a good remedy for serious injury to the spine.
  • Ayahuasca + Purple + Syphilinum incomprehensible anxiety due to parental/ancestral energies.
  • Ayahuasca + Arsenicum + Oak is useful at the terminal stages of illness.
  • Ayahuasca + Ignatia + Emerald inconsolable grief that is being expressed (rather than buried).

34 thoughts on “Ayahuasca

  1. Pleasure to read such a wonderful remedy could.u plz advise me which pharmacy in india manufactures or available this remedy for pateint

  2. Ayahuasca + Silica + Ignatia: breaks destructive bonds between parent & child.

    what strengths and doses do you recommend for adult male, 70, who fits 90% of above symptoms? thanks

    • Hi it would depend on at what level (or depth) the remedy is expected to work but on this level of information I often use 10M potency and one dose a week for a few weeks
      I do offer a SKYPE service if you needed more accurate ananlysis

  3. hhmmm. how much is the consult? whre are you located?
    i am interested in :
    revisiting old wounds to put the events –witnessed as a child–in its proper perspective=a perspective from wisdom vs. a 5 yr old.

    • There is a page with price structure but basically I charge £50 for consultation. I am in UK and work from clinic in London Birmingham and Shropshire but also work via SKYPE

  4. Pingback: The Chakras in Homeopathy | Homeopathy energy medicine

  5. Hi,
    Ayahuasca + Silica + Ignatia : breaks destructive bonds between parent & child :
    Question : Who takes the remedy ? The parent or the child ?
    Thank you

  6. Ayahuasca can be made from various plants. Does the suggested combinations work with mimosa hostilis and syrian rue? My spine is in pain and I am thinking of ordering the ingredients. I have lost a lot of money in many treatments and now I simply cannot afford to visit a shaman. I am still in constant pain. I will aviod foods that conflict with the medicine and I will do it comepletely alone in an empty room only with a bucket by my side. Can you please give me the proportions of ayahuasca+arnica+oak? Should I cook the ingredients or take them raw?

    • I work as a homeopath and do not use material doses of these substances. If you want to use material doses you would need to talk to a herbalist. Equally could talk to you about using homeopathy and prescribe and send homeopathic remedies – I can do this via a skype consultation

  7. A friend of mine recommended Ayahuasca (Herrick) 30C med pot for me.
    What is it used for, and how much should I take/, how many drops, every day?
    I suffer from insomnia, over-use of sleeping pills, neck pain and unresolved grief.
    I would be grateful for your advice.

    • Ayahuasca maybe a good remedy to consider but I would advise that you take time to see a registered homeopath to take your case and see if this was the correct first prescription. Even if its indicated there maybe (and often is) other work to do first.

  8. Thanks so much for really informative, enjoyable article.
    On Helios there are 2 types of Ayahuasca – one is called Ayahuasca (Herrick)(Prepared Ayahuasca), the other is called Ayahuasca Vine, also known as Ayahuasca (Guild)
    Yage. Which of these 2 does your article refer to, so I know which one to order?

    kind regards

    • the two provings were done by 1,NANCY HERRICK and 2, The Guild of Homeopaths with Martin Miles. They will both be of first rate quality so either will be fine and will work much the same. My experience is from work done by the Guild but I am always thankful to Nancy for her great writing and if I had come across her first then my views would no doubt still have reached the same point.

  9. I’m enjoying your thinking process. Regarding opening the heart, I would lean to considering Rose + Nat-mur as one possibility.

  10. I am trying to find Ayahuasca homeopathic remedy for a tiny dog I’ve rescued. Does it go by a different name? I’m not finding it anywhere.

  11. Hi
    I would potentially be interested in trying this.
    I have had Aya ceremonies, but a new to homeopathy and feel this might be a good place to start
    Would it be possible to be contacted please with pricing details and just more details of the process and how to start?
    Thank in advance

    • I have many people contacting me regarding this article. Homeopathy doesn’t use material doses so you wouldn’t take homeopathic dilution of AYAHUASCA as a drug experience. It is prescribed when the symptoms of the client match those of the remedy. So I tend to find it is not the first remedy to give, there is preparation, a journey usually over several sessions. I am not a master with the plant medicine but I thing it can be used to bring about transformation whereas in Homeopathy the transformation is already in the hands of the person and the remedies are part of that road to health and realisation. I hope that helps and if you wanted to book at session online let me know

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